Accommodations vs. Modifications in the School Setting

Accommodations and modifications within a student’s 504 or Individualized Education Plan (IEP) are pivotal in aiding those with learning disabilities or educational/medical needs in the school setting. Accommodations primarily focus on altering how a student learns, while modifications center on adjusting what a student is expected to learn or demonstrate. Here's a breakdown based on insights from the International Dyslexia Association:


  • Presentation: Offering materials in alternative formats like audio recordings, digital text, or enlarged print to address reading difficulties.

  • Response: Granting additional time for assignments, tests, or exams to accommodate slow reading or processing speed.

  • Setting: Providing a quiet, distraction-free environment for reading or writing tasks to mitigate potential challenges.

  • Organization: Supplying graphic organizers, outlines, or visual aids to aid comprehension and information organization.

  • Instructional methods: Employing multimodal learning approaches, such as using manipulatives or incorporating movement, to enhance understanding.


  • Content: Simplifying reading materials, adjusting reading levels, or offering alternative assignments aligned with the student's abilities.

  • Grading: Modifying grading criteria to focus on essential concepts or skills rather than penalizing for spelling or grammar errors.

  • Testing: Altering tests or assessments by reducing question quantity, providing multiple-choice options, or permitting oral responses instead of written ones.

  • Curriculum: Tailoring the curriculum to emphasize strengths and accommodate weaknesses, possibly through personalized learning plans or specialized programs for students.

  • Instructional goals: Establishing realistic and achievable goals considering the student's learning profile and individual progress, fostering success and confidence.

Overall, accommodations aim to level the educational field by providing support mechanisms that enable students to access the curriculum effectively, while modifications adjust the curriculum itself to better suit the student’s learning needs. Both are crucial elements of a 504 and IEP plan crafted to enhance academic success and cultivate a positive learning atmosphere for students. For additional information on accommodations and modifications check out this factsheet from the International Dyslexia Association


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"Kim’s only regret in getting certified in SLANT is that she did not find it early enough to intervene with her own two children who are dyslexic thinkers."